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Governance and Policies


The Windsor Forest Colleges Group Corporation is the overarching body that governs Slough & Langley College, BCA, Strode’s College, and Windsor College. The Corporation was formed following the formal merger between East Berkshire College and Strode’s College in Egham on 9 May 2017 and then the subsequent merger with BCA (Berkshire College of Agriculture) on 1 August 2022.  The Corporation Board, which is a non-executive board, meets at key stages throughout the academic year.

Terms of reference of all committees and minutes of meetings for this academic year can be accessed via the links below.

For more information about the Corporation, its structure, meeting dates and agendas, please contact Tracy Reeve, Director of Governance at

Members of Corporation

Members of the board of governors on the steps of Hall Place, BCA

  • Angela Wellings (Chair)

  • Rob Lewis (Vice Chair)

  • Gillian May (Group Principal & CEO)

  • Paul Briton

  • Tina Coates

  • Jo Croft

  • Louise Fellows

  • Sam Foley

  • Nathan Garat

  • Anthony Haines

  • Antonia Spinks

  • Signe Sutherland

  • Ian Thomson

  • Jacob Clay (6th Form Teaching Staff Governor)

  • Janet Robertson (Staff Governor)

  • Alison Wheatley (Staff Governor)

The current membership of the Corporation can be accessed here:

Corporation membership July 24

External Governance Review

WFCG completed an external review of governance in 2023/24.  The report from Rockborn LLP can be accessed here:

Gov Review 24_WFCG Report Final V.3.1

Governor Vacancies

We are looking for individuals from the local community to join our Board of Governors and would be delighted to receive applications for the role of Governor.

Policies & Procedures:

Exam Policies

Terms of Reference:

Strategic Documents:

Financial Statements

UCAS Statement

Student Voice Statement