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What courses are available?

There are courses for beginners looking to get to grips with maths, through to more advanced courses such as GCSE Maths, Functional Skills Qualifications, or equivalent. Online tutorials are also available, so you can learn at a pace that suits you.


Learn at a pace that suits you.

Functional Skills

Work towards Functional Skills or equivalent.

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Parents helping with homework

Who is it for?

  • Multiply is a fully funded government scheme that offers maths courses to adults aged 19 and over. 

    The course aims to boost numeracy skills in work and daily life. They range from drop-in sessions to longer intensive courses.  

  • Adults who don’t already have a GCSE grade C/4 or higher in Maths will be able to access free courses that fit around their lives – whether that be in person or online, at work or in the evening, part time or intensive – with additional support to meet their needs.
  • Employers who could benefit from boosting their workforce’s skills will be able to work with their Local Authority and training providers to deliver Maths GCSEs or work-ready Functional Skills Qualifications and design and deliver bespoke programmes for their workforce – at no cost to them.

Courses in Maidenhead

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Courses at Langley College – Slough

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Maths & numeracy skills

Courses Coming up in 2024

  • Help Your Child With Maths Homework KS1 & KS2
  • Cooking On A Budget Main Meals And Desserts
  • Prep Up To Numeracy
  • Prep Up To Functional Skills.
  • Budgeting Skills
  • Wellbeing and Mental Health
  • Arts and Crafts
  • Hand Held Sewing
  • Board Games
  • Introduction to Microsoft Word
  • Introduction to Microsoft Excel

Apply now

Please get in touch now to enrol on our free courses for adults, use the form below, or call or email us.

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Delivered in partnership

The Windsor Forest Colleges Group is proud to deliver Multiply courses in partnership with the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead, and Slough Borough Council. Courses are delivered online, or at our BCA and Langley College campuses.

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