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Colleges Course Guides

The Windsor Forest Colleges Group has four different colleges offering a wide range of courses. Whether you’re ready to study a full-time or a part-time course, we have something for your across our group offering.

Berkshire College of Agriculture - Hall Place

BCA, Hall Place, Burchetts Green,
Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 6QR

Langley College
Slough and Langley College

Station Road, Langley, Berkshire, SL3 8BY

Windsor College
Windsor College

St Leonards Road, Windsor, Berkshire, SL4 3AZ

Strode's College
Strodes College

High Street, Egham, Surrey, TW20 9DR

Book an open day!

Come to one of our Open Days! Find out about the variety of courses on offer at each of our colleges, meet tutors and see our amazing facilities.

Student support staff member discussing options with students