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ESOL students with their awards

Information for Asylum Seekers and Refugees

An asylum seeker is someone who has applied for asylum in a country other than their own and is waiting for a decision on their refugee status claim.


Asylum seekers can study at Slough & Langley college if it’s been more than six months since they submitted their asylum claim and the Home Office has not made a decision.


Young Learners
Asylum seekers and refugee pupils aged 16-18 have the same right to full-time education or training as other pupils in England.


To study in the UK as an asylum seeker, you’ll need to provide the following documentation:

Proof of residency
An Asylum Application Registration Card (ARC) or Biometric Residence Permit (BRP). If you don’t have an ARC, you can provide a photographic ID and Home Office documents that show your asylum application is being processed, such as a Section 20 (if you’re a child looked after) or a Section 95.

Example of an ID card:

An example of an Asylum Seeker ID card
An example of an Asylum Seeker ID card


Bursaries are available for learners who are:

  • A Child Looked After- a Section 20 will be needed to be eligible
  • Receive financial and housing support- A Section 95 will be needed
  • Living independently (16-18) or on income support- The past 3 month statements of Universal Credit
Student learning at desk.
Learner at computer.

Staff Members

Within the ESOL department, they have Pastoral Support Tutors that help students with individualised support and challenges which will stretch their potential to the full.

Young Learners-


Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children


Learner with book.
ESOL Learner with papers.