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Level E3 Award in Personal and social skills

Man and woman adults

Course Overview

The course aims to promote the progressive development of learners’ personal and social skills, fostering the growth of broader skills and behaviours necessary for them to become active and exemplary citizens in modern Britain. The course content has been designed and structured based on various initial and diagnostic assessment information to facilitate learners’ continuous development in employability, communication, and independent living skills.

The course itself is made up of specific units covering:

Contribution to the community
Personal safety
Independent travel training
Basic independent living skills
Independent Travel training
Basic Independent living skills

It will also include English and Maths Functional Skills to GCSE level and Tutorials.

Course Code


End Date

Thu, 02 Jul 2026

Entry Requirements

Students must be working at FS Entry 2 or above in English and Maths and should be able to be independent on campus.

Course information

1 Year

Units will be assessed via workbooks outlining the different learning outcomes and assessment criteria. Tasks to include written, photographic or video evidence, observation checklists and presentation records.
Suitability for the programme will be assessed on an individual basis at interview and during the first six weeks for the programme.

Gateway Entry 3 Award