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Level 3 Media Industries – Production Assistant – Screen and Audio Apprenticeship

  • LEVEL 3
Students with music and video on computers

Course Overview

Apprenticeship standards are employer-led, meaning that employers can specify exactly what’s required from an apprentice in each specific role. Apprenticeship standards outline the skills, knowledge and behaviours required to carry out a certain job role, which are delivered and carried out both in the workplace, through teaching & learning and independent learning.

All the skills, knowledge and behaviours must be met for the apprentice to achieve their Apprenticeship. Some of these standards involve additional qualifications that must be completed in order for the apprentice to achieve the knowledge elements in full.

Role profile

The broad purpose of the occupation is to provide support and assistance to help with the delivery of content for TV or radio shows and to provide support and assistance to editorial or technical colleagues to ensure the smooth delivery of content for productions.

Production Assistants are involved in the end-to-end process of a production. They work to a brief and collaborate with a wide range of stakeholders to plan productions.

Production Assistants contribute to the research and development of production ideas and may also provide support to colleagues in technical areas such as camera, lighting and sound. and offering up solutions to production problems.
Production Assistants are typically office based but they are also likely to work on set or within a studio working with a wide range of external stakeholders throughout the production process.

In their daily work, an employee in this occupation interacts with a production team. They need to be adaptable and able to learn quickly on the job; building their knowledge and skills of screen and audio activities as they move across production teams.

An employee in this occupation will be responsible for supporting and assisting the production team throughout the end-to-end production process. They initiate and complete production tasks and have responsibility for the quality of their own work. They have the autonomy to carry out their duties in line with parameters set by the production team.

Course Code


Entry Requirements

Individual employers will set their own entry requirements, but this will typically include English and Maths at GCSE Grade C or above. Apprentices wit...

Course information

Duty 1- Interpret a creative brief, scope, evaluate and develop production ideas.
Duty 2- Assist in the development of content and/or production assets.
Duty 3- Contribute to the production process, monitoring budgets and resources and adapting to operational
changes as required.
Duty 4- Collaborate with internal and external stakeholders to plan and develop productions.
Duty 5- Maintain production documentation and/or programme logs.
Duty 6- Research, identify and suggest resources, logistics and equipment taking into consideration constraints.
Duty 7- Provide technical support to colleagues for audio and visual productions.
Duty 8- Edit production content to meet production requirements.
Duty 9- Reflect on the production and offer ideas for continuous improvement.
Duty 10- Review your own professional practice and keep up-to-date with trends and technology.

15 months (this does not include EPA period)

This occupation is found in a wide range of organisations, primarily but not exclusively based in the creative industries. This
includes screen and audio sectors such as Film, TV, Radio, Podcast and online content producers. Employers range in size from
small independent production companies to large multi-national organisations.
The broad purpose of the occupation is to provide support and assistance to editorial or technical colleagues to ensure the
smooth delivery of content for productions. Production Assistants are involved in the end to end process of a production. They
work to a brief and collaborate with a wide range of stakeholders to plan productions.
Production Assistants contribute to the research and development of production ideas.
They may also provide support to colleagues in technical areas such as camera, lighting and sound. and offering up solutions
to production problems.
They research and identify resources, logistics and equipment. They have to consider production requirements and take into
account project constraints such as budgets.
Production Assistants are typically office based but they are also likely to work on set or within a studio.
In their daily work, an employee in this occupation interacts with a production team. They need to be adaptable and able to
learn quickly on the job; building their knowledge and skills of screen and audio activities as they move across production
The Production Assistant will also work with a wide range of external stakeholders throughout the production process. This will
typically include clients, cast, crew members and suppliers.
They typically report to a Production Co-ordinator, Production Manager, Assistant Producer or Producer, depending on the size
of the production.

Skills, knowledge and behaviours are assessed by competencies being displayed in the workplace, observations, employer feedback, assessor progress reviews, evidence collating and the employer enabling the apprentice’s job role to fulfil the requirements of the Apprenticeship.

On programme assessment will include various coaching and mentoring assessment methods. These assessments are deigned to review the apprentice’s behaviour, knowledge and skills against set gateway criteria. In addition the apprentice, employer and college are required to maintain an off the job training log evidencing new skills and knowledge being learnt over the duration of the apprenticeship. The final grading of the apprenticeship will be carried out through an End Point Assessment.

Practical assessment with questions
You will be observed by an independent assessor completing a set of tasks. It will last 3 hours. They will ask you at least 5 questions.

Professional discussion underpinned by a portfolio of evidence

You will have a professional discussion with an independent assessor. It will last 60 minutes. They will ask you at least 9 questions. The questions will be about certain aspects of your occupation. You need to compile a portfolio of evidence before the EPA gateway. You can use it to help answer the questions

Level 3 Media Industries – Production Assistant – Screen and Audio Apprenticeship

Level 3 Creative industries production technician or Level 4 Media production co-ordinator

The potential to secure employment working as an audio production assistant, broadcast assistant, production assistant, production management assistant, programme assistant, runner or Tv production assistant

Level 3