This course is for students with moderate learning difficulties who need a year at college to improve their confidence and independent learning skills before potentially accessing mainstream vocational courses or other further education opportunities.

Course Overview
Fri, 03 Jul 2026
Students must be working at Entry 3 or above for English and Maths and have the ability to be independent on campus. Suitability for the programme will ...
Students must be working at Entry 3 or above for English and Maths and have the ability to be independent on campus. Suitability for the programme will be assessed on an individual basis, at interview and during the first six weeks of the programme.
Fri, 03 Jul 2026
Students must be working at Entry 3 or above for English and Maths and have the ability to be independent on campus. Suitability for the programme will ...
Students must be working at Entry 3 or above for English and Maths and have the ability to be independent on campus. Suitability for the programme will be assessed on an individual basis, at interview and during the first six weeks of the programme.
Course information
Some example units include:
Vocational Studies – Animal Care, Horticulture, Hospitality, Sport or Media, English and Maths, Personal and Social Development, Building Independence, Life skills and cookery, Community Participation, Employability Skills and Work Experience (supported employment) Enrichment Options – such as Horticulture, Music, Cookery, Sport, Art and Animal Care.
1 Year
The course will be delivered in Units, many of these will be booklet based. Maths and English will have short bite sized assessments.
By continuous assessment which will include both practical and written tasks and activities. You will be supported in building a personal portfolio of evidence to demonstrate the tasks you have undertaken. For maths and English, you will have short bite-sized assessments which are supported.
If successful, a Gateway Award in Employability and a Maths and English award or certificate at the appropriate level.
Foundation Studies run the BCA Shop where all students have the opportunity to gain on-site work experience. There may also be the possibility of off-site work experience.
If successful, students will be encouraged to progress onto a Supported Internship, Preparation towards Employment, Level 1 vocational course, or another further educational opportunity. This is based on an individual assessment.
Level 1
This course is a great opportunity to progress your academic, social and employability skills.